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README file from "scripts" directory

           ~4Dgifts/toolbox/src/exampleCode/irix/scripts README

    contained herein are various c-shell scripts created/used by colleagues
    that might possibly be useful to others, if for no other purpose than
    examples of shell programming source.

rcs          :  directory of scripts written to facilitate manipulation of
		source trees employing RCS.

counts	     :  reads stdin and tells which header files are called by
                which source files.

                        counts.csh < make.deps

			Sometimes, it is necessary to add a #define or
			#include file to all the source files in the
			current directory.  If the number of source
			files is large, this can become quite a job.

			This script was generated to find which header
			file is included by the largest number of
			source files so that the #define or #include
			can be added to this header file, rather than
			to each of the source files.

			The make.deps file is just a list of the
			dependent files as generated for a makefile.

			To make the make.deps file, do the following:

        cc -M $(CFLAGS) *.[fc] | grep -v '/usr/include' > make.deps

ddir	      : Script which performs an 'ls' showing only
		subdirectories in the current directory.

edir	      : Script which performs an 'ls' showing only executable
		files in the current directory.

findlogins      scans /usr/adm/SYSLOG for every entry entered by 'login'.  
		It will keep track of each different user and count the 
		number of times each has logged in.

                        findlogins [<file>]
                        <file>  Optionally specifies the file to scan.
				If not specified, searches

			This script is useful as a method of keeping
			track of who is using your machine.  It will
			provide a running total of the times people
			log in.  It can be run as a cron job once a
			week (the frequency that SYSLOG is copied to

findu        :  scans all libraries and/or object files provided on
                the command line for undefined symbols.  It is smart
                enough to match symbols that are defined in other
                libraries so that only the final undefined list is

                        findu lib1.a lib2.a ... libN.a > undef.syms

                Note: As a side function, this script appends to the
                file /usr/var/tmp/defines.h a list of macros to rename
                FORTRAN file names so they can be called from C.  For
		example, if a C function calls the FORTRAN routine
		'FORSUB', as in:

			forsub (parm1, parm2);

		This script will add the following line to the
		/usr/var/tmp/defines.h file:

			#define forsub forsub_

		Then the file defines.h can be copied and included in
		the C source files.

getlogins       Simple script gets all the login entries from the system
		log and sorts them.

movetree      : Script which will move an entire directory tree from
		one place to another.  One of its advantages is that
		it maintains the owner, group and file times for the
		files that are moved.  This script uses tar(1) to
		perform the move.

			movetree [-v] [-n] <source-dir> [<dest-dir>]

			-v		Set the -v option on tar.
			-n		Do not delete the source
					directory tree when done.
			<source-dir>	Full path to the source
			<dest-dir>	If specified, the full
					path to the directory into
					which the source directory
					is to be copied.  This
					directory must exist.  If
					not specified, copies to
					the current directory.

replace	      : Script to replace a string with a new string in a list
		of files.  Sort of a global find-and-replace.

			replace <search-string> <replace-string> <file-list>

			<search-string>	Is a regular expression (as
					used in ed(1)) that is
					supposed to be found in the
					list of files.
			<replace-string> Is the string that is to
					replace <search-string>.
			<file-list>	List of files to perform the
					search-and-replace on.

setup	      : Startup script for one of the engineers here at SGI.
		This script is called from .cshrc and .login to
		initialize the user's environment.  It performs
		different things depending on whether it is called
		from .cshrc or .login.

		This script is provided mostly as an example of things
		that can be done during startup to initialize a user's
		environment and isn't necessarily intended to be used
		(though it can be).

			Add the following to your .login file:
				if ( -e setup ) then
				    set login
				    source setup
				    unset login

			Add the following to your .cshrc file:
				if ( -e setup ) then
				    set cshrc
				    source setup
				    unset cshrc

		How to use:
			First, you must edit the file and change the
			definition for 'home_host' to the hostname of
			the user's home machine.  In the environment
			of the originator of this script, he had a
			home machine where he normally worked as well
			as a number of other machines that he had
			access to.  This variable is set to his home
			hostname so that when this script is copied to
			all the other machines, certain things happen
			only on his home machine.

			Find the line 'set home_host = heaven' and
			change it to 'set home_host = ???', replacing
			the '???' to the hostname of your home

		Functions performed:
			The following functions are performed by this

			1)  Determines the terminal type.  If the
			    terminal type cannot be determined, sets
			    it to vt100.  Specifically, this was used
			    when logging in over a modem.

			2)  If the environment variable ENVONLY is
			    defined, only performs steps that set up
			    the environment.  This speeds the process
			    for the 'userenv(1)' command which is
			    called by X when the user logs in to the
			    graphics monitor.

			3)  If the environment variable INEMACS is
			    defined, does not do pretty printing
			    functions that cause a bunch of control
			    codes to be sent to the screen.  These
			    codes make it difficult for EMACS to parse
			    when found in the '*compilation*' window
			    of EMACS.

			4)  Sets the DISPLAY environment variable to
			    the appropriate value.  If this session is
			    a remote login, sets the DISPLAY to the
			    remote machine.  If the session is not an
			    X session, removes the DISPLAY environment
			    variable definition.

			5)  Sets the environment variable

			6)  Sets the environment variable WINEDITOR to
			    use EMACS.

			7)  Sets the environment variable LPDEST to
			    the default printer defined.

			8)  If Explorer is installed, sets the
			    environment EXPLORERHOME.

			9)  If the environment variable XSCREEN is
			    defined and refers to the screen size AND
			    the files $HOME/.Xdefaults_1280 or
			    $HOME/.Xdefaults_1024 exist, sets the
			    environment variable XENVIRONMENT to the
			    appropriate file.  This allows the user to
			    define a different .Xdefaults file to be
			    used depending on the screen size.

			10) Sets the PATH environment variable to
			    include directories (but only if they
			    exist).  This function requires the
			    existence of the 'unique' command provided
			    elsewhere on this CD.

			11) If run from .cshrc, performs steps 13-15.

			12) If run from .login, performs steps 16-17.

			13) Sets the prompt to include the hostname,
			    username and history.  If the terminal
			    type supports colors or highlighting, uses
			    the colors and reverse video if running
			    with root privileges.

			14) Sets a number of csh variables.

				a) history - to keep a history of
				   commands to be re-used with csh's
				   history mechanism.
				b) cdpath - Includes subdirectories to
				   automatically be searched when the
				   'cd' command is entered.
				c) filec - enables file completion.
				d) fignore - lists files to be ignored
				   during file completion.

			15) Sets a number of aliases.

				a) ls - To print with specific
				b) ll - Same as 'ls' with -l option.
				c) lt - Same as 'll' with -t option.
				d) mail - Points to BSD mailer.
				e) If using X, sets up to run EMACS,
				   epoch and zmail automatically in
				   the background.
				f) If not using X, sets up EMACS to
				   run in vt100 mode and disables
				g) If the scripts exist, aliases co,
				   col and ci to the appropriate
				   scripts (see the 'rcs' subdirectory
				   in this subdirectory).
				h) unlock - Performs an unlock on an
				   RCS file and removes the working
				i) If running in the X window system,
				   creates the aliases in steps j-k.
				j) seticon - Command to set the string
				   to be used as the label for the
				   icon for this shell window.
				k) settitle - Command to set the
				   string to be used as the title for
				   this shell window.
				l) If running in the X window system,
				   creates the aliases in steps m-r so
				   they run their equivalent command
				   but when they complete, resets the
				   title of the window to indicate the
				   current working directory.  If the
				   environment variable CONSOLE is
				   true, also adds information to the
				   title to indicate it is the console
				m) cu
				n) cd
				o) rlogin
				p) rsh
				q) pushd
				r) popd
				s) etags - Always include the -t
				t) snoop - Run the demo snoop.
				u) bu - Backs up one directory.  This
				   is different from 'cd ..' in that
				   it works if the current directory
				   was accessed through a symbolic

			16) Sets an initial title for the window.

			17) Because of conflicts with EMACS, unbinds
			    the SGI definitions for the function keys
			    f3 and f4.

treegrep        fgrep a string through an entire directory tree.
                        treegrep <dir> <str> <file-spec>
                        <dir>   is the top directory to start in.
                        <str>   is the string to fgrep for.
                        <file-spec> is the file specification to fgrep 
				through.  Note wild cards must be escaped.

update.hosts  : This script is used by an engineer to make sure that
		his window/shell environment is the same on all the
		machines in his network.  It is run nightly in a cron
		job to make sure that anything changed on his home
		machine is copied to all the other machines on the
		network that the engineer has access to.

			update.hosts [<host>]

			If run without parameters, uses the list of
			hosts in the $HOME/.rhosts file.  Otherwise,
			updates the information on the host specified.

Files of interest from "src/exampleCode/irix/scripts" directory



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Copyright © 1995, Silicon Graphics, Inc.